Oooo, poor wittle snowflake Trump no likey a legit question. Sadly for that reporter, impending Ban City in 5...4...3...2...1... Sigh. #1AMyAss
Via Rupar:
"You're not supposed to be asking that question ... that's enough" -- #Trump gets mad at and shuts down a reporter who tries to ask him about reported clashes between #Musk and #Rubio
@GottaLaff "Not supposed to be asking that question" - that phrasing is astounding.
@gooba42 @GottaLaff I've noticed that his occasional pretense of nicety seems to have vanished. Not sure whether it's due to the further progression of dementia or simple, dictatorial haughtiness. Probably both?
@ianto_jones @gooba42 @GottaLaff
I guess he has finally realized that a third term wasn't going to happen.
@Darkphoenix @ianto_jones @GottaLaff He was never going to get democratically elected again, he wrote that off a long time ago but I'm not sure that means he won't try for a third term. It just won't be legal.