@TidalFlats @tayfonay There is a house a few blocks from me and the front yard looks like a tRump rally full of flags and signs. I so wish I was rich so I could buy the homes and either side and fill the yards with, "I'm NOT with STUPID" signs pointed at the home. This is Oregon; dude is def an outlier around these blue parts.
Why dont rich people have more fun with their money???
@Crystal_Fish_Caves @TidalFlats @tayfonay driving through eastern Oregon in 2017 to see the eclipse, I saw a house with a huge “lock her up!” billboard on their front lawn.
The best people.
@glasspusher @TidalFlats @tayfonay My commute to work is normally about 30 minutes. The day of the eclipse it took me 4.5 HOURS!! There were cars EVERYWHERE I could not even abort and go home. You want to see an eclipse? You have to wait until one goes over your own damn state LOL man we were a mess after that event!
@Crystal_Fish_Caves @TidalFlats @tayfonay well shit I sure hope you got to see it!
I was in position at 530 am, anticipating it being amateur hour closer to zero hour.
Sounds like the traffic took you by surprise.
@glasspusher @TidalFlats @tayfonay Yes! I worked overnights. Went home, slept, got up saw the eclipse went back to bed. I had no freaking clue the entire US was barging in on our view LOL; fyi Eastern Oregon is the Texas of Oregon. No Bueno. Eclipse was super cool to see. Im happy to share but next time will just stay home after lol hope you had a nice time in OR!!
@Crystal_Fish_Caves @TidalFlats @tayfonay glad you got to see it! I’ve got a lot of good friends (mostly astronomy buddies) in Oregon!