Good morning Fellow Travellers on the Galactic Spiral Arm Here at Parrot Central we have all just settled in for the morning, me with my coffee and the parrots their breakfast. Ziggy was not for taking her medication this morning again, despite it being mixed with the baby food she has happily scoffed every other morning. I had to eventually smear it over her food in the hopes she might get some of it - other than that which she head flicked all over me and the couch - in. Looks like I may have to change it again to mash for a while. The strange thing is, in the evening when you would think she is a lot less hungry, there's never an issue. Contrarian wee bird!
Going to the post office to hopefully pick up a parcel of yarn I ordered and then I am having a gaming day. BG3 on the cards with Aunty Ethel to go and sort out. *Gulp*
Have a lovely day, whatever you get up to
@pixy Morning Pixy I do sometimes post pics, but I should try and get more of them. Usually Ziggy just bites the phone out of my hand if I try though
Have a super day yourself
@CazimodoCreative Morning Caz, Ziggy is definitely a contrary wee thing, bless her!
Good luck with BG3, I hope you have a lot of fun and deal with Aunty Ethel!
@JustFi Morning Fi I am slowly getting the hang of BG3 now. The combat is still brutal, but I am determined to stick to balanced and not drop to story mode. I believe Aunty Ethel is a tough boss, so I'm probably looking at a couple of hours trying to beat her for
Hope you are feeling much better and that you have a good day all round
@CazimodoCreative I felt great when I woke up, forgot anything was wrong...and then I stood up and went bouncing across the room, it can only get better
One day I will start BG3 again and try to get to grips with it. Sounds like you are having fun with it. I'll stick to the Wallace and Gromit DLC on PowerWash Sim just now, I think thats my gaming limit at the moment.