Looking for something "Christmas-y" to do, but you still want to #SocialDistance? A tradition in our family has always been to drive around and look at #ChristmasLights .
Many of the houses in this database have gone to great lengths and spent countless hours designing and putting up their light displays. Some even use localized radio broadcasts, robot animatronics, and advanced computer programming to get the right effects.
The link below is a great website where you can find decorated houses and city displays near you. It claims to be "international," but I can not speak to that aspect. For northern Illinois in the USA, however, it seems to be VERY accurate. In the past few years, there have only been a couple of places that were listed, but had no lights up that year. Overall, the database seems to be kept very current.
#ChristmasLightFinder #Christmas #ChristmasTraditions #ChristmasIdeas #Weinachten #Kristmass
@AnneTheWriter1 we do this every year, it's very jolly
Not quite so organised as having a database for them in #wales though