@wendinoakland @AnarchoNinaWrites @CrypticCatfist @oliphant @atomicpoet @Gargron
Wow yes, this. The terminology is mushy, and that's disastrous UX design. The button that means defederate should say defederate (or at least block), not suspend, and when an admin clicks that button a big modal should come up pointing out that this is the nuclear option and are you *really* sure this is the button you want.
@tunguska @wendinoakland@mastodon.social @AnarchoNinaWrites @CrypticCatfist @oliphant @atomicpoet @Gargron
[ @feditips FYI. ]
@AnneTheWriter1 @tunguska @wendinoakland @AnarchoNinaWrites @CrypticCatfist @oliphant @atomicpoet @Gargron
The official documentation for admin moderation actions on Mastodon is here:
The issue over interface for the admin has been raised at:
There is apparently an update to fix this on the way which is detailed at: