Not sure who needs to hear this today, but remember, your local public library benefits from being used! Usage statistics are how librarians argue for funding! By using this shared service more, you are making it BETTER for everyone else!
It's the glory of the commons, not the tragedy of the commons. Go to the library!!!
You're right, #libraries are awesome!
But images without #ImageDescription aren't #inclusive: People using a #ScreenReader hear just one frustrating word: "image"
@khzimmer2 @joannarifkin
Thanks! I've often been forgetting to do that when posting images, and I apparently can't add it in during editing. I've heard that editing ability is supposed to change soon, but it doesn't seem to have changed yet.
It depends on the tool you use for writing your posts.
The Webbrowser interface allows to (a) add an image description during writing the post and also (b) to add it later, when editing your post after you have sent it.
I do not know how the different apps handle both cases but I assume at least the first case should work in up-to-date versions of most apps.