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अरिघात या स्वदेशी बनावटीच्या दुसऱ्या बॅलिस्टिक क्षेपणास्त्रवाहू अणुपाणबुडीचं (SSBN) 29 ऑगस्ट 2024 ला भारतीय नौदलात सामिलीकरण झालं. सामिलीकरणानंतर त्यासंबंधीचं एक अधिकृत प्रसिद्धिपत्रक जारी करण्यात आलं असलं तरी त्यामध्ये फारसं काही विस्तारानं सांगितलं गेलेलं नाही. त्या समारंभाविषयीची छायाचित्रेही देण्यात आलेली नाहीत.

सविस्तर लेखासाठीची लिंक
#navy #submarine #naval #maritime #maritimesecurity #indianocean #nuclearsubmarine #nuclear #submariner

Sub-Mariner 18, 29, 37, and 72

I am not trying to collect this series, but there are several key issues and stories in it, like Doom's first battle with him, various first character appearances, and the Serpent Crown. This leads to me buying collections that have the issues I am looking for in the quality and price I want like I did these when getting 9.

...so I am likely to finish this series. /sigh

In the process of looking for back issues in relation to the 1989 Atlantis Attacks Crossover, such as those involving the Serpent Crown. That first appeared in Tales to Astonish 101 (as the crown of power), which I got last year in an awesome deal with 7 other issues in the series.

This time, I got the second appearance with another collection of issues.

I don't know how many of you use Subsonic (or compatible software like Navidrome) for streaming music, and like native Mac apps for it, but I published version 3.2 of the open source Subsonic client for Mac I maintain, Submariner: github.com/SubmarinerApp/Subma

Highlights include actually fixing the DB schema for playlists and more keyboard shortcuts. If you try it, let me know what you think of it!

GitHubRelease 3.2 · SubmarinerApp/SubmarinerNote that this release contains larger database schema updates. It's recommended you back up your Submariner directory (in your Music directory) before updating. Changes since 3.1.1: Inspector win...

2024 Submarine Fleet Ranking by Country | Deep Sea Defenders

🌊World's Submarine Fleet Rankings in 2024 | naval power ranking 🌍⚓

In this informative video, we analyze and compare the submarine fleet strengths of various countries as projected for the year 2024. Stay tuned to discover the naval capabilities of different nations in terms of their submarine forces.🚀

#submarine #submariner #ranking #navalpower #militaryranks #deepseadefenders


Comic of the day 16/366 - Sub-Mariner # 35 (Marvel, March 1971)


Roy Thomas (script), Sal Buscema e Jim Mooney (art)

Namor, Hulk, and the Silver Surfer join forces to avoid the activation of an experimental weather device on a remote island. The U.N. seeks help from the Avengers. Both groups fight each other until the Avengers realize that the trio is only trying to avoid a global disaster.