Friendly reminder to do something to lower nearby property values today!
@sachra_elmarid Thank you for your posts! I can't write as fast as you, so I apologize! An accurate concept of #capitalism might be: An economic system based on the division of labor and private #property. Division of labor and mutually beneficial cooperation are two sides of capitalism. If you have a system of division of labor with forced cooperation enforced by the state, you don't have pure capitalism, you have #statism. You can read more in my profile and in Mises and Rothbard's books. Why it helps the environment but hurts people, property #carolinas #ClimateChange #Development #ecosystems #Environment #property #risk #wildfire
Remember that under the #US #Constitution that there is pretty much only one right or precept that’s never been seriously challenged.
That is, the #unlimited #property #right of the #overwealthy
Yesterday a #Federal judge barred parts of an insane illegal heavy handed and chilling childlike #DJT #ExecutiveOrder targeting exclusively employees and clients of a large influential #DC #beltway #lawfirm he doesn't like.
Known as #PerkinsCoie , the 100+ yr old firm started in #Seattle and has long represented biz & top tech clients including #Amazon & #Microsoft etc, as well as many other #Fortune500 names .
The #RWNJ #HoiPolloi anger at the firm has to do with the fact #PerkinsCoie attorneys helped commission the embarrassing and disputed #SteeleDossier that included allegations against a failed NJ casino operator turned political candidate.who eventually became President TWICE!
The far reaching petty #policestate and draconian #Drumpf overreach would've made it virtually impossible for #employees or any of the 1000+ #attorneys at the firm to do biz in #DC . The order barred firm partners from even speaking to #federalemployees, or to physically enter any govt #property including #courtrooms etc.
What is a Warehouse? Types of Warehouses: A Complete Guide to Their Use
Wadi Group, a leading name among warehouse leasing companies in India, specializes in warehouse for lease, industrial warehouse leasing, and BTS warehouse solutions across major cities like Gurgaon, Mumbai, Kolkata, Pune, and Bangalore.
Read More:
#Property #developers and #PaulineHanson reckon 40% of your house price is tax and cutting it would make houses cheaper - are they correct or is it just another scam? TLDR - it's another scam to make #propertydevelopers richer #ponzischeme
Austin business fights for survival amid Project Connect displacement threat #Austin #business #displacement #HouseBill3879 #LightRail #ProjectConnect #property #TrafficCongestion
Best homes for sale in Greece: As Britons flock there, here are seven sun-soaked properties YOU could buy now #dailymail #Greece #Home #property
Nature–society relations in disaster governance frameworks
"This paper studies how the relations between nature and society are constructed in disaster governance frameworks. Dominant disaster governance frameworks present nature and society as separate realms, and the organisation of society is increasingly seen as the key cause of hazards and disasters. Disaster impacts are similarly framed around adverse societal consequences, while other-than-human nature is merely the background across which disasters unfold, as property lost, or a means of disaster governance. Although the centrality of human impacts is troubled when biodiversity or a disaster flagship species is threatened, neither situation challenges the nature–society dualism embedded in dominant disaster governance frameworks. The attention and resources of disaster governance target the societal side of nature–society dualism. This study finds, though, that in peripheries characterised by remoteness from centres of power, a sparse human population, and large spaces of other-than-human nature, the vulnerabilities facing humans and other-than-human nature risk being ungoverned."
Meriläinen, E. (2025). Nature–society relations in disaster governance frameworks. Disasters, 49(2), e12678.
#disasters #NaturalDisasters #governance #property #tourism #NSW #remoteness #FossilFuels #ClimateBreakdown #acceleration #climate #Bushfires #floods #cyclone #FirstResponders #trauma #nature #biodiversity #forests #NSWLogging #roads #koalas #deforestation #OtherThanHumanNature #NatureSocietyDualism #peripheries #vulnerability
We absolutely love this four bedroom cottage in Marazion!
Το υπαρκτό πλέον πρόβλημα (που συνεχώς όμως θα αυξάνει) στο real estate και στο hospitality (Airbnb, hotels)
AI is driving a new wave of real estate fraud
#MeisterEckhart, writing 450 yrs before #ThomasJefferson, has a far broader understanding of #democracy: he does not limit the #dignity of #personhood to #whitepeople or #men or men w/ #property. For Eckhart we are all born #noble & it it from that royalty our #rights derive.
A property sale would have transformed their lives, but N.S. family got an epic shock instead
When some hot water pipes burst at the rental property they own, a Nova Scotia family was shocked to learn insurance wouldn't cover the expected $100,000 in repair bills. The reason? An insurance...
#insurance #property #money #family #NovaScotia #News
Οι τιμές των κατοικιών στην Αθήνα και την Θεσσαλονίκη από το 2014 μέχρι και το 3ο τρίμηνο του 2024
Athens and Thessaloniki house prices from 2014 to Q3 2024