Oh so #GreenTechnology! The amount of steel in a #windturbine's foundation. #Greenwash #WindPower
Oh so #GreenTechnology! The amount of steel in a #windturbine's foundation. #Greenwash #WindPower
"Can you imagine being the UK's biggest emitter of CO2, having already been awarded £7bn in 'green subsidies' and set to receive another £2bn (XR)"
#Drax power station in the #UK burns wood, contributing to deforestation & CO2 emissions, & they lie & call that "green" (they know that's #greenwash) https://youtu.be/v3gABWJhIuw?feature=shared
Drax is simply another example of human dishonesty, especially in regards to the #environment, on an industrial scale.
Now what https://extinctionrebellion.uk/2025/01/17/its-2025-now-what/
Human society is on a "highway" to hell because so many Humans are environmentally ignorant. This ignorance causes environmental neglect, in that humans can't care about something that they're not aware of. Also & generally, society is awash with #greenwash. Misleading narratives that paint a better picture than reality. For one example, in the #UK, coal burning power stations have been closed down, but, people are burning coal in their homes because they're, generally, ignorant
Dr. Bronner’s Is Ditching B Corp Program Because Bar Is Too Low https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2025-02-11/dr-bronner-s-quits-b-corp-certification-over-weak-rules #Greenwash
Perhaps you may be proven right. But in the meantime there is a pile of #plastics #waste to deal with, not to mention harvesting microplastics from the #environment and our bodies. Also note that water is used, not solvents or pyroclastic processes.
The byproducts of this process do have applications and uses, though much more needs to be done on these to minimise their environmental footprint. It’s a good start no matter which way you look at it. Not a #greenwash since the research attempts to solve a problem.
In closing, note that if we got rid of half the population on this planet (not to say all of it) the environment will be better off although the remaining ecosystems will still produce polluants. There is no way around this, a pristine #ecosystem (void of human kind) would still ‘consume’ and not all byproducts of this consumption will be #recycled by environmental cyclical systems. But I guess if we’re not there to see it it hardly matters at all.
I am all for cleaning up ‘our’ act to save us all from extinction but getting mad isn’t going to solve the issues, hard work, sacrifices and a massive amount of #research, #engineering, commercialisation as well as changes to humankind #behaviour and #attitude is urgently required. IMHO
@RichardJMurphy they are just spouting the #greenwash from the glossy PR brochures. There seems to be no intention to #followthescience
Hooray. Someone has noticed the impact all those skiers have on our climate. I wrestle with my fury as people bang on about their ski trips, so am pleased to see this. Though I still think it's a sport best left to those living in snowy places, not to the over-indulged rest of us.
“We told you so. RBC and the other #Canadian #banks entered into the Net Zero Banking Alliance to #greenwash their fossil fuel financing and to gain cover under increasing pressure from customers and investors." https://stand.earth/press-releases/canadian-banks-signal-nzba-exit/
#Greenwash alert
"Lower-carbon jet fuel mandate comes into force."
We know #Greenwash when we see it.
Amusing that the #COP29 crowd appear have, er, "copped out" of deciding where COP31 should be held (Australia and Turkey in the running).
Maybe they should just cut through the
#fossilfuel #greenwash and host it on an off shore gas production platform in the North Sea.
Or, to look at it another way, #Fx keeps the #Greens on as a fig leaf of the appropriate colour.
The Greens in the Dail haven´t scratched what needs to happen:
1. Rapid buildout of wind energy.
2. Massive electric grid adaptation for renewables.
3. Massive growth of electron storage capacity.
4. Massive increase in electric public transport.
[The above can only happen with state investment.]
5. The conversion of animal based farming to arable and agro-forestry.
A ‘Cop of #peace’? How can authoritarian, human rights-trashing #Azerbaijan possibly host that?
Greta Thunberg writes a powerful analysis at the start of #COP29 today.
@yogthos Posted yesterday:
"The technocratic lifestyle being foisted off on you by OILCOS who fund, and profit, from most 'green' companies, is killing the Planet and you. Go BACK!
'Out of control': scientists plead over wind and solar farm destruction
"Ardent supporters of action on climate change are warning of another looming crisis: damage to sensitive ecosystems to make way for renewable energy."
The Australian https://archive.ph/5d3T8
https://www.theaustralian.com.au/nation/scientists-sound-alarm-over-renewables-impact-on-nature/news-story/ef761b13c6744b5e59326cc891329ceb #greenwash #Technocracy
The technocratic lifestyle being foisted off on you by OILCOS who fund, and profit, from most 'green' companies, is killing the Planet and you. Go BACK!
'Out of control': scientists plead over wind and solar farm destruction
"Ardent supporters of action on climate change are warning of another looming crisis: damage to sensitive ecosystems to make way for renewable energy."
TheAustralian https://archive.ph/5d3T8 Paywalled https://www.theaustralian.com.au/nation/scientists-sound-alarm-over-renewables-impact-on-nature/news-story/ef761b13c6744b5e59326cc891329ceb #greenwash #greenwashing #Technocracy #Technocrats
@SmudgeTheInsultCat https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2021-energy-land-use-economy/ Youll have to cover the entire midwest US with windmills and solar panels to handle the CURRENT US grid demand, no less once everyone owns a Lectric Car and bike. It's called #Greenwash.
What's the problem with the #Shell Jugendstudie?
The 19th edition of the Shell Jugendstudie was published earlier this week. It is a long-running and well-regarded study of the life and views of the 12-25 years old in Germany, that is led by university professors ... and commissioned by Shell.
What's the problem? Shell's activities are actively destroying the future of the very generations the study focuses on: Young generations will be disproportionately affected by #climatechange, with children born in this decade 2 to 7 times more likely to experience extreme events in their lifetime than people born in 1960 [1]. The new edition of the Jugendstudie accordingly identifies environmental pollution and climate change as important sources of worry for young people [2].
Shell has no real intention to move away from its planet wrecking business. Despite trying to #greenwash its brand [3], Shell only invests a ridiculously small portion of its budget into renewable energy [4] and continue to invest in more oil and gas [5] . Earlier this year, Shell backtracked on its already insufficient climate plans [6], scrapping its 2035 emission goal and reducing its 2030 goal. Shell also lost a court case ordering it to sharply reduce its emissions, and appealed it rather than working on ambitious climate plans [7].
Shell, together with other oil and gas companies, undermined climate science for decades, supporting misinformation and contributing to hostility against scientists[8, 9]. Meanwhile, Shell engages in discourses of climate delay, greenwashing fossil gas [10], promoting fake solutions [11], and opposing climate policies [12].
By collaborating with universities, oil companies try to better their image, to present themselves as respectable parts of society, in order to keep their license to operate [13]. Shell has been using this strategy a lot, working together with universities, but also with museums and other cultural institutions [14].
We should not tolerate our institutions being used for greenwashing by companies that have no intention to align themselves with climate science, and that are willing to continue destroying the environment, warming the climate, and violating human rights. These collaborations must stop.
[1] https://myclimatefuture.info
[2] https://www.shell.de/ueber-uns/initiativen/shell-jugendstudie-2024/informationsmaterial-2024.html#slide-1
[3] https://thebrandhopper.com/2024/10/05/a-case-study-on-shell-powering-progress-campaign/
[4] https://www.dw.com/en/shell-bp-boost-profit-sink-investment-in-renewable-energy/a-64656800
[5] https://www.energymonitor.ai/sectors/industry/exclusive-how-just-25-oil-companies-are-set-to-blow-the-worlds-1-5c-carbon-budget/
[6] https://www.carbonbrief.org/shell-abandons-2035-emissions-target-and-weakens-2030-goal/
[7] https://en.milieudefensie.nl/climate-case-shell
[8] https://www.desmog.com/2024/01/17/new-shell-files-could-aid-climate-cases-attorneys-say/
[9] https://theconversation.com/what-big-oil-knew-about-climate-change-in-its-own-words-170642
[10] https://www.euronews.com/green/2023/02/02/shell-profits-almost-double-as-company-faces-greenwashing-complaint-in-us
[11] https://drilled.media/news/ccs
[12] https://grist.org/accountability/oil-companies-marketing-greenwashing-report/
[13] https://theconversation.com/how-the-oil-and-gas-industry-influences-higher-education-235168
[14] https://www.vice.com/en/article/amsterdam-shell-fossil-free-culture-nl/