At last, some real progress with getting the network redirector working with #FujiNet! This was far more difficult than it should have been; partly because the DOS books are terrible (“look how clever we are!” making Watcomable code examples), partly because DOS makes me do all the heavy lifting, partly because I wanted to do things "the Watcom way” which makes using `__interrupt` extremely difficult.
WIP: A Search Tool for #Atari8bit #FujiNet users that searches the Homesoft Collection. You can pick a game, and launch it.
@tschak what's the current state of the #JSON parser in #FujiNet? Does it implement a jq
like interface by now?
I found this example video, linked from, to be a really helpful summary! Thanks!
It seems the page on XIO commands for the FujiNet is well out of date, though:
What's currently the best way to figure out what's implemented? Look at the FujiNet firmware code?
(Perhaps all the lore is shared on Discord; I don't use it. I detest it with a vengeance.)
@likesoldmacs Ha! AppleTalk mounted on DOS. Strange how this coincides with the work being done on #fujinet with DOS drive access via RS232.
once i finish learning 6502 assembly, i'd like to fujinet. seems like a great way bridge the power gap and capabilities of an 8bit computer while keeping the 8bit feel.
#fujinet #atari
After banging my head on bizarre MS-DOS driver APIs and lack of coherent documentation for a couple of weeks: progress! My #FujiNet RS232 SYS driver not only is able to automatically set the time on boot, but I can remotely access a 360k disk image from @tschak's TNFS server and run a program from it. (Albeit quite slowly since the disk interface speed is throttled at 9600 for the moment. Still faster than C64 though!)