@Taweret oh like the time I watched the wrong version (some made for tv thing) of miracle on 42nd street for #christmastodon)
@Taweret oh like the time I watched the wrong version (some made for tv thing) of miracle on 42nd street for #christmastodon)
The Bouche de Noel updated with merengue mushrooms! I’m very happy with how this came out.
#christmastodon #baking #cooking
After a night out on the road covering the kind of miles Santa does, I bet the after party at the North Pole is a total rager.
Merry Christmas everyone!
#jkroams #santaclaus #afterparty #party #partyon #christmas #christmastodon
It’s a ChristmaHannaKwanzika year so happy winter holidays to everyone who celebrates anything!
Merry Christmas, Web Developers!
Our Year-End Sale is here, offering 50% off across our entire site.
Gift yourself the best Admin Templates Today.
Christmas baking continued: this is the year I got the Yule log to work! I’ve also made little merengue mushrooms but they aren’t in the picture as this needs to transport tomorrow.
A week or so ago we received a gift box tower from friends, sent from Harry and David, the "Fruit of the month club" people. Three boxes of Christmas pears and other tasty treats. Which was good, but strange, in because we've never gotten one before, and mainly that for years, back in the 90s, my wife and I made extra Christmas money by taking phone orders for the company, and I've literally sold thousands of the things.
Merry #Plushtodon, happy #Christmastodon, joyful #ActuallyAutistic times en iedereen Fijne Feestdagen!
Merry Christmas everyone! #christmas #christmaseve #christmastodon
Christmas baking day 3: Gingersnaps
Another one I haven’t made in years for reasons not know. The recipe is supposed to make 80 but my #70 disher got me 60, which feels a better size for this spicy bundle of joy.
Florentine Lace Cookies. Why I haven’t been making these every year is a mystery.
This new game will be 2 decades later where the Linnaenian Order defends the weak from the unjust across the new world. I think Tom would appreciate that.
(Emmett by the way was being hunted because his mom, the 4th PC, Ma Otter, had the mutation that let you take away other peoples mutations, the worst anathema for a Radioactivist. They were terrified that the mutation would breed true, which is has. And now there is a race of mutated otters named “Emms”.)
The Christmas season has now begun: chocolate cashew caramel frogs chilling outside in the snowy air, loaf pan lasagnas for my parents in the oven, and my lovely wife had a Santa hat on and has started the annual reading of Dickens _A Christmas Carol_
If you’ve never read it but only seen the adaptations, you should crack open the book before the fire and indulge in Dickens magnificent language
Blitzen: Far And Beyond.
a buzz lightyear's crossover
Polarexpress to the Northpole
The Tale Of The Hibernating Sleight Onto One's Roof