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#unmasking can be fun, especially when you do it with school “#professionals” to offer examples of the observations they make of your progeny. You wonder why my son doesn’t open up to you more? On some level he’s traumatized and afraid of you and your #ableism. Let me explain… And when I’m done they’re like “oh, wow, we have noticed those things too!”

😑 Um, then why didn’t you use those a signal to CHANGE YOUR BEHAVIOR and interact with him differently? 😖

Since I was largely following social scripts that I had learned before I knew I was Autistic, and would say things like, “I’m fine” when I didn’t mean it, or that I liked someone’s artwork when I really didn’t think it was that good:

I assumed that everyone else was being completely fake at all times, especially when they said that they liked me or valued me in any way.

Wenn du von Anfang das Sprechen, Schreiben, Tun allistischer Menschhen auf Autistisch übersetzst und es doch nie wirklich schaffst, die Mehrheit zu verstehen, also so richtig ... Zumal du eh für alles mehr Energie brauchst und weniger Ressourcen zur Verfügung hast, es dir aber natürlich nicht anmerken lassen willst.

Warum müssen eigentlich immer wir die sein, die übersetzen müssen?
Antwort: Weil wir die Minderheit sind.

Was mich schon als Kind, als ich mein So- sprich mein Anders-Sein noch nicht verstanden habe: Wieso müssen immer die Schwächeren sich den Stärkeren anpassen statt umgekehrt.

Auch im Straßenverkehr ist es leider so.

#AutismusSpektrum #Neurodivergenz #Masking #Unmasking

@aenniontour Die Situation hatte ich genau auch. Dann hab ich es mir antrainiert (als Kind). Aber ich weiß nie, wie lange und ob ich es richtig mache. Ist wohl ein typisches Autismussymptom und etwas, wobei Betroffene wie ich maskieren, um nicht aufzufallen. In meiner aktuellen #Unmasking-Phase realisiere ich solche Mechanismen/-Automatismen immer häufiger.

Early on in my #autism self discovery, I searched social media for ppl sharing their experiences. I found I relate a lot to the experiences of non-verbal folks. I also found that strange because I can be quite verbal at times.

Now, I become less verbal. Fully unmasked, I often am barely able to speak. It's pleasant to not have to think in words, relaxing and freeing.
Like taking off the work clothes when coming home after a long day.

In my inner world, there is no concept for people. Not other people. Not myself. I have developed a mental concept of people, including a self, that I use for practical purposes and interactions. But if I'm not masking, I consider everyone as a collection of a body, a mind and a seemingly infinite number of thoughts and experiences that is simply too much and too difficult to comprehend. It's very overwhelming to unmask with this issue
#neurodiversity #autism #AuDHD #unmasking #actuallyautistic