Wer in DaWarIch reverse geocoding nicht in externe Hänge geben möchte, der kann photon mit einem einfachen Docker Container auch selbst betreiben.
Wer in DaWarIch reverse geocoding nicht in externe Hänge geben möchte, der kann photon mit einem einfachen Docker Container auch selbst betreiben.
So, neben #DaWarIch läuft jetzt auch #Photon für Reverse-Geocoding - da geht ganz schön viel Speicher drauf: ich habe zunächst die Kartendaten für die ganze Welt runtergeladen, man weiß ja nie… . Aber das sind entpackt etwa 200 GB. Habe das Material für den Test daher zunächst auf Deutschland reduziert. Da muss ich bei Gelegenheit wohl erstmal den Speicherplatz der VM erweitern. #SelfHosting
Monica Rambeau: Spectrum. Photon. Captain Marvel.
From leading the Avengers to saving the multiverse, Monica’s story inspires like no other.
Learn more in Tony’s Superhero Saturdays: https://wix.to/eHtbCXO
it's pretty cool that every twinkle of every star is actually some large cosmic-scale object momentarily obstructing the single ray of light, from each star, that was perfectly aligned with your eyeballs at that exact moment in time, for one split-second, millions or billions of years ago
I agree with the challenges of using the built-in search of #OsmAnd
If you don't mind going online a bit, for getting better results, try Acastus-Photon app on Android: https://f-droid.org/packages/name.gdr.acastus_photon/
Think of it as a "search companion" that leverages Komoot's #Photon search.
It will also play well with #OrganicMaps , #EveryDoor and even #GoogleMaps -- basically, any apps that support geointents.
Researchers have developed a drastically smaller and more energy efficient method of creating coveted #photon pairs that influence each other from any distance. The #technology could transform computing, telecommunications, and sensing.
#QuantumScience #Photonics #Physics #sflorg
Beyond #Schrodinger's #Cat: the #paradox of Wigner's Friend [3rd in a #series]
❛❛ When exactly does the collapse of the #photon #superposition occur? Was it when the #friend had finished his #experiment? Or when the #information of his result enters Wigner's #consciousness? ❜❜ 2:45/5-min.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AodzEpvzZw 2019 May 29
https://Wikipedia.org/wiki/Wigner%27s_friend … #WignersFriend
https://Wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugene_Wigner … #EugeneWigner
#RollenspielMonster bietet euch neben #Mastodon noch viele weitere Dienste an, die vielleicht auch interessant sein könnten für die #neuhier:
- #Phanpy als eigenwilliger Mastodon-Webclient
- #Mobilizon für Veranstaltungsorganisation
- #Writefreely für dezentrales Bloggen
- #Lemmy als dezentraler Social-News-Aggregator
- #Photon als moderner Lemmy-UI-Ersatz
A #Photon is an elementary particle that is a quantum of the electromagnetic field, including electromagnetic radiation such as light and radio waves.
What is the origin of #QuantumUncertainty? : Medium
The shape of #Light: Scientists reveal image of an individual #Photon for 1st time ever : Live Sci
#Mathematicians Discover a New Kind of #Shape That’s All over #Nature : Sci Am
Check our latest #KnowledgeLinks
#DiscotekMedia Solicits ‘#Photon the Idiot Adventures’ #Anime Blu-ray Release http://dlvr.it/TGjSmz
The shape of light: Scientists reveal image of an individual #photon for 1st time ever #Space
Accidental #Discovery Reveals an #Image of a #Single #Photon - #YouTube
#SciComm and #Science made by #WhatDaMath
„Leuchtende“ Premiere: Physikern ist es zum ersten Mal gelungen, das Aussehen eines einzelnen Photons zu visualisieren – der Grundeinheit allen Lichts. #Photon #Licht #Photonform #Lichtteilchen #Physik #Photonik
Lastly, because I am a silly goose 🪿
I just *had* to add googly eyes to the #photon simulation
It's very hard to get new comics in Thailand so I mostly read digitally, but I had the chance to get Avengers Assemble #1 by Steve Orlando, Cory Smith & Sonia Oback + I am so glad I did bc it was really fun and the art was fantastic. Just look at this. My girl Monica is PERFECT #Avengers #Photon #MonicaRambeau #MonicaRambeauFanClubPresident #ShangChi #Wasp #CaptainAmerica #AvengersAssemble #comics