The moment I saw her I say in all truth that the vital spirit, which dwells in the inmost depths of the heart, began to tremble so violently that I felt the vibration alarmingly in all my pulses, even the weakest of them. As it trembled, it uttered these words: Ecce deus fortior me, qui veniens dominabitur mihi [Behold a god more powerful than I who comes to rule over me].
[In quello punto dico veracemente che lo spirito de la vita, lo quale dimora ne la secretissima camera de lo cuore, cominciò a tremare sì fortemente, che apparia ne li menimi polsi orribilmente; e tremando disse queste parole: «Ecce deus fortior me, qui veniens dominabitur michi»]
Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) Italian poet
La Vita Nuova [Vita Nova; New Life], ch. 2 (c. 1294, pub. 1576) [tr. Reynolds (1969)]
Sourcing, notes, alternate translations:…
I think it's more than just evolutionary reasons why I am attracted to you. You have that higher power, And I really want to feel the oneness with you.
#poetry #higherpower #oneness #loveatfirstsight #spirituality
Is love at first sight real? Science reveals what triggers instant attraction and whether it’s truly love or something else. Ready to uncover the truth? #LoveAtFirstSight #InstantAttraction #RelationshipScience #Love #Psychology
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Nearly 9 in 10 believe in #loveatfirstsight with their #pets
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Drift Would
This Could Be Their Final Mission.
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New YouTube video from Sofi Tukker:
Unexpected deep answer from tuck… u agree? #shorts #sofitukker #loveatfirstsight
New YouTube video from Sofi Tukker:
Unexpected deep answer from tuck… u agree? #shorts #loveatfirstsight
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Happy anniversary to Kylie Minogue’s single, “Love At First Sight”. Released this week in 2002. #kylie #kylieminogue #loveatfirstsight #fever #cantgetbluemondayoutofmyhead
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Watched “Love at First Sight” on Netflix tonight. Very simple and sweet - a nice cozy date movie for a cold Friday night
Made us reflect a bit on when we first met. This is probably the earliest photo we have of us from almost 10 years ago. Our boss took it before we had told anyone we were dating. Maybe she had a hunch?
#Journal, Day 1497
Wednesday, 24 April 2024
Ukraine War: Day 792
Hamas-Israel War: Day 200
Mass shootings in the USA in 2024: 124
#Covid day 14
#freshhell #covidrecovery #comical
#gotchaday #parrotsofmastodon