From the American Academy of Arts and Sciences: Dr. Fauci to Receive Award for Excellence in Public Policy and Public Affairs

From the American Academy of Arts and Sciences: Dr. Fauci to Receive Award for Excellence in Public Policy and Public Affairs
Une #distinction pour le Théâtre Royal de #La #Monnaie aux OPER ! AWARDS 2025 !
Les OPER! AWARDS 2025 ont été présentés récemment à La Monnaie, qui a eu l'honneur d'accueillir la cérémonie de remise des prix en tant que Meilleure Maison d'Opéra de l'Année 2025.Une belle distinction pour ce théâtre bruxellois. La Monnaie a été récompensée par Ulrich Ruhnke, président du jury et fondateur des OPER! AWARDS, pour son « attrait considérable et une ouverture qui rassemble…
Culture is a huge topic in companies. And wrongly so, to some extent! Experts like Ed Schein created a big mess with their writings about corporate culture, as they stubbornly confused #culture and #system. But by respecting the crucial #distinction between systems and culture, organizational transformation starts making sense again. In short: Forget about working the culture (or people). Stick with #WorkingTheSystem. Together.
A new article of mine on the culture topic:
#distinction : a marking off by visible signs
- French: distinction
- Italian: distinzione
- Portuguese: distinção
- Spanish: distinción
Report an incorrect translation @
#Distinction | L'@AcadSciences a élu de nouveaux membres pour l'année 2025, dont deux issus du champ de recherche de CNRS Ingénierie : Florence Gazeau et Mickaël Tanter
@CNRS_Paris @CNRS_Villejuif
Куди золоте перо? | Підслухані розмови #award #distinction #academician #pen #ring
Про вручення чергової премії академікам. Вигляд премії і відзнаки зрозумілий, не зрозуміло фактичне місце носіння і того й іншого
Transboundary Environmental Protection in Armed Conflict #ApI #ArmedConflict #ChristianTshiamalaBanungana #CollateralDamage #distinction #DueDiligence #environment #EnvironmentalDamage #EnvironmentalHarm #IvonMingashang #Kuwait #MartensClause #MilitaryNecessity #NoHarm #precaution #proportionality #TransboundaryHarm
If scientists want to determine whether an LLM has formed an accurate model of the world, measuring the accuracy of its predictions doesn’t go far enough.
For example, a transformer can predict valid moves in a game of Connect 4 nearly every time without understanding any of the rules.
So, the team developed two new metrics that can test a transformer’s world model. The researchers focused their evaluations on a class of problems called deterministic finite automations, or DFAs.
A DFA is a problem with a sequence of states, like intersections one must traverse to reach a destination, and a concrete way of describing the rules one must follow along the way.
They chose two problems to formulate as DFAs:
navigating on streets in New York City
and playing the board game Othello.
“We needed test beds where we know what the world model is. Now, we can rigorously think about what it means to recover that world model,” Vafa explains.
The first metric they developed, called #sequence #distinction, says a model has formed a coherent world model it if sees two different states, like two different Othello boards, and recognizes how they are different. Sequences, that is, ordered lists of data points, are what transformers use to generate outputs.
The second metric, called #sequence #compression, says a transformer with a coherent world model should know that two identical states, like two identical Othello boards, have the same sequence of possible next steps.
They used these metrics to test two common classes of transformers, one which is trained on data generated from randomly produced sequences and the other on data generated by following strategies.
Surprisingly, the researchers found that transformers which made choices randomly formed more accurate world models, perhaps because they saw a wider variety of potential next steps during training.
“In Othello, if you see two random computers playing rather than championship players, in theory you’d see the full set of possible moves, even the bad moves championship players wouldn’t make,” Vafa explains.
Even though the transformers generated accurate directions and valid Othello moves in nearly every instance,
the two metrics revealed that only one generated a coherent world model for Othello moves,
and none performed well at forming coherent world models in the wayfinding example.
|#research|#distinction|#academiedessciences|#CNRS| Félicitations à Olivier Espeli @CirbCdf pour la
MÉDAILLE LOUIS PASTEUR FONDATION ANDRÉ-ROMAIN PRÉVOT destinée à récompenser un bactériologiste français pour des recherches ayant permis d’augmenter nos connaissances en microbiologie
|#research|#distinction|#academiedessciences|#inserm | NATHALIE ROUACH @CirbCdf a reçu le PRIX DE LA FONDATION SICARD
2024, Ce prix annuel créé en 2023 de 100 000€
vise à récompenser un chercheur(se), en France et à l’étranger, pour des découvertes dans le domaine des neurosciences. Cette année, le prix annuel concernera la biologie des réseaux de neurones. @collegedefrance
#Distinction | Félicitations aux 13 scientifiques CNRS Ingénierie nommés cette année à l'Institut universitaire de France
Découvrez la liste
#Distinction | L'académie des sciences récompense Laurent Chevillard. Il reçoit le prix Servant 2024. Félicitations!
Laurent développe des modèles de la #turbulence des #fluides, observée dans les expériences et les simulations des équations de Navier-Stokes. Bénéficiant d’un tissu collaboratif étoffé, il a construit des champs aléatoires qui rendent compte de la structure statistique fine de ces écoulements, et a proposé une dynamique stochastique simplifiée permettant de les réaliser.
#Distinction | L'@AcadSciences récompense 2 lauréats issus du champ de recherche de CNRS Ingénierie, Sébastien Galtier et Stéphane Zalesky.
@CNRS_paris @CNRSIdFSud
How do you show your social value in a way that’s instantly recognizable?
"The meaning ascribed to race in the nightclub setting was related to perceptions of safety. The bouncers (many of whom are Black or Latino) claimed that letting Black or Latino Americans in might jeopardize safety at the club. However, Rivera says she saw fights between white customers frequently."
A field study by Lauren A. Rivera, 2010: @sociology
#ShadyVance had better buckle up: His #debate might go as badly as #Trump’s
Ninety minutes is more than enough time for #women to #remember why and how much they #dislike him. |
JD Vance has had the most disastrous #vicepresidential #run in memory, gaining the #distinction of having the worst net #approvalrating of the four #candidates on the two major party tickets.
I produced three more Sadler's Lectures podcast episodes to finish up the set on David Hume's Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding. Here's the first of those, on the difference between what we might call popular and rigorous philosophy!
#Hume #Philosophy #Podcast #Distinction #Public #Rigor
Still in rough draft form, I've published the paper I read "What Is 'Public Philosophy'? A Pluralist Approach and Proposal" at the 2023 Wisconsin Philosophical Society in my Medium site
#Philosophy #Public #Pluralism #Paper #Definition #Distinction
Der #Faschismus beginnt als #Unterscheidung zwischen guten und schlechten Todesfällen, zwischen #genetischem Reichtum und genetischem Abschaum.
Leicht zu erkennen, oder?
#Fascism starts as #distinction between good deaths and bad deaths, between #genetic wealth and genetic scum.
Easy to see, no?