
@mekkaokereke @billday A Voting Rights Act will not have real teeth if a Supreme Court refuses to apply it. We need to provide references to appropriate portions of the Constitution to make it stick.

Incidentally, we may not need it, as there is a powerful and relatively unnoticed piece of statute law, 18 USC 242, that Jack Smith is now threatening to use against Donald Trump. It essentially criminalizes any behavior that infringes on the civil rights of any American, and Smith is using it against those who tried to invalidate the 2020 election. As I read it, even those acting under the color of state law can violate 18 USC 242, and that includes public officials of that state imposing state law on citizens seeking to exercise their right to vote. It also calls state usurpation of local authority a violation of citizens' rights. Time to use that in lieu of the Voting Rights Act...

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