I find it outrageous and incredibly offensive how often subtitles are censored.
I've experienced it on broadcast TV. On Amazon. On YouTube. And elsewhere.
Deaf people do not need swear words hidden. Those of us with hearing loss don't suddenly decide, "Ah, yes, because I can't hear fully, I don't want to experience swearing anymore."
Stop censoring our content!
@localzuk @bodhipaksa I often notice this, so infantilising
@purplepadma @localzuk Also this weird American thing of translating British swear words, so that “arsehole” becomes “asshole.” What’s that about?
@bodhipaksa @purplepadma @localzuk It's possible that the people (or code, even) that do the transcriptions hear arsehole as asshole. On Black shows, when someone says "Aight" I mostly see "Aight"(not alright).