#Beavers should reintroduced widely across public Scottish land in 2023 says Steve Micklewright of The Scottish Rewilding Alliance in last week’s The National Newspaper
The SRA is calling upon Forestry and Land Scotland, NatureScot, Crown Estate Scotland and Scottish Water to offer sites and help relocate animals across #Scotland. Read more at the link
Why should #Scotland reintroduce more beavers?
“Beavers, meanwhile, can be key allies in tackling the nature and #climate emergencies. They create nature-rich #wetlands that benefit a remarkable cascade of #species, while reducing #flooding, improving #water quality and soaking up carbon dioxide. The presence of beavers can also benefit local economies through #ecotourism.”
So could 2023 be the year that we see #beavers being reintroduced widely across #Scotland? For that to happen, Scotland’s Government bodies, which between them manage 10% of the country’s land, need to step up.”
Yes, public lands are a great place to start! Are you listening, #bureauoflandmanagement #nationalparkservice #usforestservice ?