"The democrats say 'please don't call [immigrants] animals; they're humans.' I said, 'no, they're not humans, they're not humans; they're animals.'"
Trump is reaching new levels of evil.
@LilahTovMoon All those <insert term here> standing behind him. Were they told to be in photo? Or did they ask to be there? LEOs standing behind a felon, not a prosecutor. Says it all.
@DelRider @LilahTovMoon I wondered the same thing, the 'old white guy' club.
@blwinnemore @LilahTovMoon Now that I think more about it, why are they in uniform? Want to support a candidate like TFG, fine. Get in your street clothes and do whatever. But aren't these guys supposed to be politically neutral in the discharge of their jobs? Were I in MI, I'd be calling my legislators to be sure these guys were off the clock and not getting hours towards retirement/pension for these events. My tax dollars should not be going to funding TFG, directly or otherwise.
@DelRider @blwinnemore @LilahTovMoon ... I'm in Michigan, and in GR, where the on-screen banner suggests this was broadcast from. According to his schedule for today, he's supposed to be in Flint, not GR, [100 miles away], so unclear when this was recorded, assuming the schedule is accurate.
However, I don't recognize the uniforms or shoulder patches, so who knows who these 'officials' are.
If any are local and real, it's troubling that they show up and support debunked accusations.