Riding with the Rockweiller in the sidecar on the west side of Central Park.

Poppy insists on pooping in front of BMW showroom at 7:00 AM every morning.

I asked Audrey where the Hindenburg crashed -- she said the cover of Led Zeppelin One.

Kin Lane boosted

My team at Internet Archive has 3 open roles: a senior product manager (we build web and digital preservation services for mission-aligned memory and cultural heritage institutions), a senior AI engineer (exploring how we might use AI/ML to better surface human-authored content to humans), and a (non-senior) backend software engineer.

If you want to help keep this ember glowing and growing, and are up for some unique challenges, please apply!


Remember when our feedburner stats mattered?

Sad and embarrassing to have good friends cancel plans to visit us in the United States. - blog.edtechie.net/asides/dont- I had all my record shops line up for them, and Poppy is sad.

Can any of you boomers describe to me what it was like when the first Led Zeppelin album came out. Thinking about the massive weight it carried in my teen years and just curious of any stories about it's birth as I listen to this Saturday morning.

If you close your calendar application for the weekend it makes it last longer.

Our five year old Rottweiler Poppy has made friends with the five year old human girl at the end of our hall and now she comes over and knocks on the door and asks if Poppy can come and play. <3

I trained an machine learning model on Birth of a Nation then applied it to photos I took of the freeway in Oakland which intentionally crushed a vibrant black community in an effort tell a story of what AI will do to our communities.

"A ‘trouble shooter’ was employed by the telegraph and rail road companies building rail lines in the western part of the United States. It was the job of the ‘trouble shooter’ to find those that were being ‘trouble’ during the construction and to shoot them." 2ndbreakfast.audreywatters.com

Kin Lane boosted

in 5 minutes I will be chatting with @kin about writing, blogging, and life on reclaim.tv

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!