Couldn't happen to a nicer biggot.
@georgetakei How's the old saying go? Karma's a.... what is she again?
@georgetakei Poor thing. If only she'd done her damn job.
@georgetakei She better pay up
the two are not exclusive.
it appears that a jury awarded the plaintiffs $100k in damages, before this ruling that Davis is also responsible for their attorneys' costs:
@georgetakei Dracula
@georgetakei maybe praying will pay them fees
@georgetakei sadly she’ll likely open a gofundme for support and get that 5 or 10 times over from maga hats with too much money.
Where I come from (a tiny piece of backwater Kentucky) that quarter million $ would throw the biggest wedding ever seen, gay or otherwise. I don't even think a shotgun would be necessary.
@georgetakei There is going to be one heckuva garage sale in Rowan County this Spring.
@georgetakei I'm guessing she's going to be another featured maga spokesperson asp in future.
@georgetakei #altText4U
Tweet by "Cat, reigning typo queen" [handle truncated]:
Kentucky: Judge rules, former county clerk, Republican Kim Davis, who refused to issue marriage licenses to gay couple must pay $260,000 in fees and costs.
[Truncated link to news story on]
[Image of Kim Davis]