Reviewers needed

ETERNAL TERROR webzine is looking for people with passion for music who would be willing to dedicate some of their time to writing review either for new releases or for live shows, or why not, both. The texts can be either in English or Norwegian and the only qualifying criteria is that you like metal…

SCOUR – Gold

RELEASE YEAR: 2025BAND URL: Following a string of impressive EPs titled Grey, Red, and Black respectively, the immensely talented quintet known as Scour recently graced us with a proper full-length assault on the senses intriguingly titled Gold. It is a rather fitting name for this LP in that there are plenty of meaty bits and evocative passages to whet your…

STORM – ny låt ute

Foto: Elisabeth Jacobsen STORM er klar med pop punk som tar deg rett tilbake til 2000-tallet! Han er 16 år, social media-sensasjon og allerede et av de mest spennende navnene på den norske musikkscenen. Nå slipper STORM Black Hole – en eksplosiv pop-punk-låt som oser av nostalgi, energi og ungdommelig råskap. Med Blink-182-vibber, og et refreng som…

DE PRESS – nytt album in april

Photo Credit: Harald Medby “Harnaś już nie żyje (Leader is Dead)” – Nytt album fra De Press! Andrej Nebb, som feiret sin 70-årsdag med en stjernespekket konsert på Rockefeller i fjor sommer, er fortsatt like aktiv og kreativ som alltid.  «Jeg henter inspirasjon fra vår historie på 1900-tallet i Tatra-fjellene. Tatra-fjellene ligger på Polsk og Slovakisk omrode…

SHONEN KNIFE – spiller på Goldie i Oslo

Event: Billetter: Dørene åpner: 20:00 Starttid: 21:00 Slutt: 00:00 Aldersgrense: 18 + Billettpris: 280 “When I finally got to see them live, I was transformed into a hysterical nine-year-old girl at a Beatles concert” – Kurt Cobain Siden 1981 så har Shonen Knife samlet jublende publikumsskarer til konserter over hele verden. Det skulle…

Cruciamentum + Ruun + Gloombound – spiller i Oslo i April

Billettpris 300,- +avg. Event: Dørene åpner 19:00 Aldersgrense 18 Dato 12.04.25 Det blir en mørk og atmosfærisk aften i death metalens navn, når Cruciamentum, Ruun og Gloombound inntar Parkteatret i april! CruciamentumCruciamentum, dannet i Storbritannia i 2007, har bygd en sterk tilstedeværelse innen death metal, og leverer lyd preget av knusende tyngde og…

DESCENDENTS – spiller i Oslo i April

Event: Dato Søndag 6. april 2025 Scene Rockefeller Pris NOK 395 + avg. Dører 19:00 Aldersgrense 18 + Punk-legendene Descendents og Circle Jerks kommer til Rockefeller 6. april for en eksplosiv dobbeltkonsert, som ingen ekte punk-fan vil gå glipp av. Disse ikoniske bandene, som både har formet og inspirert punkens historie, vil sammen by…

TRIBULATION – spiller i Oslo i april

Billetter: Dato Lørdag 5. april 2025 Scene John Dee Pris NOK 360 + avg. Dører 20:00 Aldersgrense 18 + Sveriges goth metal-mestere Tribulation kommer til John Dee lørdag 5. april! Kjent for sin unike blanding av gotisk atmosfærisk metal og tidligere hardtslående death metal, har Tribulation siden oppstarten i 2005 fascinert fans over hele…


RELEASE YEAR: 2024BAND URL: My head is empty and I need a break. I have to be hungry again to breathe and create – Pain “Coming Home” When Hypocrisy’s Swedish mainman, Peter Tägtgren sang the above words in the title track of Pain’s painfully mediocre Coming Home²⁰¹⁶, an album I panned in my review,…

LÜT – back with new music

Tromsø’s LÜT ready to soft launch some mayhem for those willing to join. Because – why not? You might wonder where LÜT’s been at the last year?If their creativity froze somewhere up there by the cold beaches of the North.  Far from it. Like Global warming and your favourite middle manager they’ve been working their asses off…

DINOSAUR PILE-UP – new single out

Photo (C) Tom Brooker Overcoming life-threatening illness and finding a fresh perspective on real priorities, Dinosaur Pile-Up roar back from the brink with their new single “‘Bout to Lose It” and announce their signing to Mascot Records. It’s been six years since the release of their last studio album. “People need clarity about what happened,” Matt…

RAGE – Afterlifelines

RELEASE YEAR: 2024BAND URL: I tell you Jesus Christ was just an ordinary man, but he was wise, much wiser than the rest, the few to see wrote tales about him but time perverted it all – Rage “Echoes Of Evil” One of the bands which had had a very long history, tons of…

Heilung in Oslo – Music and Myth

– VENUE: Oslo Spektrum – DATE: 12th March 2025 – ORGANIZER: FKP Scorpio On March 12, 2025, Oslo Spektrum became a portal to another age as Heilung took the stage. The Danish-German-Norwegian collective is known for their immersive and theatrical performances, and this night was no exception. As the lights dimmed, the sounds of the…


RELEASE YEAR: 2024BAND URL: As much as I appreciate complex and progressive direction in melodic death metal, sometimes I want my melodeath to be just a deluge of luscious melody as in Hypocrisy¹⁹⁹⁹, Insomnium’s Across The Dark²⁰⁰⁹ or Omnium Gatherum’s The Burning Cold²⁰¹⁸, and I am always happy to discover another fantastic album of…

HEILUNG – 12.03.2025 – OSLO

VENUE: Oslo Spektrum DATE: 12. March 2025ORGANIZER: All Things Live PHOTOGRAPHER: Jonathan MazinPhotos copyrights belong to the photographer. No unauthorized usage allowed. Please contact photographer if you wish to reuse images in any context.

RWAKE – The Return of Magik

RELEASE YEAR: 2025BAND URL: It has been a long and occasionally torturous wait for a new album by the Arkansas mystics known as Rwake, but March this year will see the release of a vigorous new opus via Relapse Records titled The Return of Magik. More evocative and beautifully haunting than past exploits, these six…


RELEASE YEAR: 2025BAND URL: To Leave One Living Thing, the latest 2-track EP by Danish/Norwegian post-rockers Picture Ann, is out now via all the usual digital shops and retailers including Bandcamp and Spotify. The two tracks that constitute this hypnotic gem explore the notion of legacy and what each one of us leaves behind, be…

DETROIT RUN – new video out

UK NEWCOMERS ANNOUNCE BRAND NEW EP & SINGLE! Anthemic Brit alt rockers, DETROIT RUN, continue their ascent with the release of their much anticipated new EP, Defiance – Part 1, which arrives on Friday 30th May. The hooky four piece have also delivered their engulfing new single and video, Invincible Check out the band at:…

TIBERIUS – new song and video out

TIBERIUS ARE SET TO DROP BRAND NEW ALBUM, SINGLE AND MORE! Unstoppable Scottish prog rock crew, TIBERIUS, are poised to unveil their breathtaking new album, Singing For Company, which is released on Friday 21st March. The ascending quintet have also unleashed their magnificent new single and video, Juggernaut Listen to the band via: . The…

DJERV – tilbake med ny låt

Foto: Jørn Veberg Kort tid etter Netflix-suksessen: Djerv tilbake med en låt til nytt spill som sprenger grenser! De har samarbeidet med verdens største spillselskaper, er nominert til Spellemannprisen og Norsk Musikkforleggerpris, og nå er Djerv igjen klare til å erobre gamingverdenen. Fredag slapp de “Reignbreaker” – en kraftfull, rå låt laget til det kommende…

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