I know the shortcuts, but I have never used shift with the numpad. I have used computers before numpad existed on computers. Maybe I am missing out on something.
I know the shortcuts, but I have never used shift with the numpad. I have used computers before numpad existed on computers. Maybe I am missing out on something.
Turns out she was innocent. She didn’t follow the protocol for classified documents. However the documents were not classified until after they were sent. She didn’t break the law.
It didn’t stop them though. Something must’ve been in those documents because they got buried in bureaucracy in following lawsuits.
In June 2016, in response to the Republican National Committee’s complaints filed in March 2016, the State Department estimates it will take 75 years to complete the review of documents which are responsive to the complaints. It has been observed that a delay of this nature would cause the documents to remain out of public view longer than the vast majority of classified documents which must be declassified after 25 years.
History repeats. While Europe has learned from it, USA is doing everything they can to make Vance the next Franz Ferdinand.
Let me get this straight. You’ve disabled gestures in Android to use the buttons, but also want gestures for Android inside the app instead of the gestures that the app provides and instead of using the back button that you just deliberately summoned for that purpose?
Okay it’s possible. I think you’d need to disable the gestures in the app, and then find a way to customize the Android system gestures to work how you want them. That is phone dependent.
But. To be brutally honest: Learn to use the system edge gestures. It takes a day or two to get used to, but then you’ll never miss the buttons or get frustrated with apps that work as intended ny default. Surely this must also be an issue in all other apps that use on screen gestures.
It has to be given, otherwise there would be infinitely many solutions.
You would need some other information to link the line segment X to the rest of the figure.
I’ve just about had it with arguing against these kinds of right-wing talking points.
No amount of what-about-ism will ever outweigh the environmental impact that the distribution of fuel alone is creating. About 40% of fossil fuels are used to transport … fossil fuels.
That happens before you even need to consider how efficiently your own car is produced or how much tire dust it generates.
Anyway, arguing against the talking points is fruitless regardless of what numbers say. They simply move the goal post whenever they’ve encountered enough people who don’t eat their shit at face value.
They will defend their gasoline car because that’s the decision they already made. However they usually change their mind when they are actually in the market for a new car for themselves, because that’s also an easy decision.
I played a similar game on Roblox: Dig to find dad.
The objective is to bomb your way some 3 kilometers downwards. When you reach the bottom you’ll find a grocery store where the dad is shopping for milk. Talking to him reveals that he doesn’t want to go home. I don’t know if other endings are possible.
uden for pædagogiske rækkevide
Jeg vil gerne se hvilken pædagog de mener skulle have rakt ud for at nå barnet.
Når man inkluderer børn som tidligere har fået hjælp af pædagogisk personale ind i klasser hvor lærerne ikke har pædagogisk uddannelse til at håndtere specialbørn, så ja: Barnet er udenfor pædagogisk rækkevidde.
Udtrykket bruges oftest om børn, men i dette tilfælde er det jo åbenlyst skolerne som ikke har en pædagogisk rækkevidde.
Fordi ministeren har fjernet dem.
Fysisk overgreb hører ingen steder hjemme. Det er en afmagtshandling som kun eskalerer situationen. Det skaber også en konflikt med forældrene. Jeg ville nødig være lærer i den situation.
Sports cola er fra Hancock. Jeg har set dem i eksotiske butikker som Bilka og Super Brugsen, men det er måske bare lokalt.
Hvis der fandtes én god løsning, så ville have-magazinerne ikke have mere at skrive om.
Min far gik meget op i det og købte alle mulige produkter og kalkede på de rigtige tidspunkter og alt det der. Jeg kan så bare konstatere at efter han er død, så står plænen alligevel på nøjagtig samme måde uden nogensomhelst pleje, så jeg tror ikke rigtigt på det. Måske virker det i en sæson, men så skal det gøres igen hvert år.
Mos vokser typisk i skygge. Jeg har hørt “gode” råd om at fjerne træerne som skygger for plænen, men det giver slet ikke mening i min forstand. Jeg synes træerne er langt vigtigere og pænere end om der gror græs eller mos på de kvadratmeter. Dér er min prioritering ret klar. Hvad skal jeg egentlig med det stykke græs?
Det er i hvert tilfælde Sisyfos arbejde at gennemtvinge en græsplæne på et sted hvor det ikke kan gro af sig selv.
Jeg smider bare en håndfuld græsfrø der hvor der skal være græs. Så må naturen klare resten. Du kan sikkert rive moset af med en rive eller andet grej, og så nyt græs igen. Hvis du gør det nu, så er plænen klar til sommer og holder sig et par år. Det tager lang tid at så helt nyt græs igen på den måde, men nu hvor du har mosset, så kan du måske bruge den viden til en mere langsigtet planlægning. Det er nok det vigtigste jeg har lært af at have en have: Man skal altid planlægge flere år frem for at det bliver godt.
A hair-do.
I looked it up. It’s located in Thamesmead near the Thames. The auction went for £117 000 for the shown unit, not the entire building, and the land is leased. No explanation for the mold.
Not if it’s flood damage.
Lots of other car manufacturers also have new models on the market in 2025.
Some buyers might want to get those.
You could put a blinking neon light ad all over the entire night sky, but if someone farted, you would still look around and ask “who farted?”.
The Tesla is so stupid ugly that it attracts attention the same way.
Not all companies do that. It is possible to make dual class voting, where some shareholders shares have more votes than others. For instance Google, Meta, Ford, Warren.
Why is he genderizing therapy? Do men not have brains?
I’m a man. I don’t need therapy because I don’t want to. That’s different. I need therapy, I just don’t want to.