Feb 21 2025
The prompt is West
Wall of Voodoo, “Call of the West” 1982
#WallOfVoodoo cultivated an air of mystery - their album covers, their very name! - and the subject matter of their songs, #StanRidgway's arch vocals, the music itself were always a little offbeat and angular in a way that made it easy for them to ride the #NewWave to us, via #EnnioMorricone #SpaghettiWestern.
This album was their commercial peak. I was going to feature a track you're less likely to have heard, but in the end had to go with "Mexican Radio." How could I resist the couplet “I wish I was in Tijuana/Eating barbecued iguana”?
Another favorite of mine is their oddly compelling cover of "Ring of Fire" from their debut eponymous ep. You may have also heard frontman and artistic lead Ridgway on "Don't Box Me In" from #StewartCopeland's soundtrack for the film adaptation of #SEHinton's Rumblefish, and he continues to release solo music via #bandcamp.
Big fan of solo Ridgway, particularly "Mosquitos" and "The Big Heat".