Favourite movie soundtrack that's a compilation featuring popular artists?
Was thinking to get a few on vinyl as fun records to play when we have visitors.
There's been so many great ones over the years in so many genres.
@AnthoDerv mine would have to be "Grosse Pointe Blank."
I also have a close friend who swears by "The Beach."
@mylesserhalf @AnthoDerv you and me both! My short list includes The Crow, Trainspotting and, strangely, Spawn (bad movie though)
Oh and x-files. Tv series soundtrack, so not really what you asked for
I forgot Donnie Darko
@djb @mylesserhalf @AnthoDerv Came here to say The Crow but you beat me to it. Ones that stick out in my mind are that, Pulp Fiction, Daredevil (much better than the movie!) and Lock, Stock & 2 Smoking Barrels
@alanb @djb @mylesserhalf @AnthoDerv
"The Crow" soundtrack album introduced me to #Pantera and I will be forever in its debt.