Ein paar Tage auf der Insel verbracht, um die Akkus wieder aufzuladen. Sonne, Strand, Meer, Dünen, Birding, Fahrradfahren… perfekt.
Spent a few days on the island to recharge my batteries. Sun, beach, sea, dunes, birding, cycling... perfect.
#Ameland #Buren #beach #Strand #sunset #zonzondergang #Sonnenuntergang
#beachphotography #Spijkerpad #HetOerd #strandpaal #waddeneiland #Nordsee #NorthSea #noordzee #skyporn #Meerweh #Inselliebe
@Shkspr80 These are really beautiful photos Mel, the first one is very interesting.
@mbt3d Thanks Mark for your kind remarks. The first one was actually a bit risky to take - I just had a few moments holding the iPhone on ground level before the next wave came in.
Glad that it turned out the way it did.
@Shkspr80 Daring photography nice
@mbt3d Nothing ventured, nothing gained
@Shkspr80 Exactly Toi toi toi!