Mia, I know. We all feel a bit low on energy today. Can I ask just a little more effort?
Let's Ride!
@PJFDF A dark-colored motorcycle dashboard displays a speedometer reading 0 km/h. The "ON" indicator light is illuminated. Below the speedometer, a low fuel warning is shown with the text "Combustível Baixo" and a fuel pump icon. There are also illuminated indicator lights; an amber light, a red light, and a green light.
Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini
@PJFDF e a temperatura? Eu estou a fazer tempo para ver se a coisa aquece
@PJFDF e também tenho que abastecer
@ndantas frio. Compra as luvas Nuno
@PJFDF hoje levo o colete de penas por dentro. As mãos vão ter que aguentar